Driven by unity, not uniformity

Inclusiveness & Equality

We are an equal opportunity employer, in every sense of the term. Your gender, race, religion, social preferences and cultural background will never be a factor in evaluating you as a professional. Your career progress will depend on how you perform at work, and how well you follow the IBS code of conduct and ethics.

As a truly global company, we employ people from around the world. Approximately, over 40% of these are women, which puts us at the very forefront of the industry in terms of gender diversity, and we are always working to improve this statistic even further. We do our best to provide an inclusive workplace, where all IBSians treat each other with respect and courtesy. Once you become a part of our family, you will be welcomed on the strength of your professional capabilities and ethical conduct, and be expected to interact with your colleagues the same way.


Employee Speak


Work-life Balance

Here at IBS Software, we love the work we do…and that’s one reason why we are so good at it! But this typically starts with having a positive environment at the workplace, to bring out the best in you. An in-house ‘Reflections’ team (composed of IBSians, for IBSians) organizes in a fun-filled manner all kinds of seasonal celebrations like Christmas, Onam, Thanksgiving, Diwali and other festivals relevant to each location. Other periodic events offer all IBSians a platform for displaying their artistic, athletic and creative talents.

Even a typical workday at IBS comes with a good level of flexibility, starting from multiple shifts and telecommuting options based on your specific role and team. Concierge services are provided to carry out personal errands and to relieve employees of routine tasks. The leave plan is relatively very liberal compared to peers in the industry, with a personal day off to help employees plan for important events in life.

Employee Speak

Business Ethics & Integrity

IBS Software is committed to ensuring each employee a safe work environment, free from all forms of harassment. If you, as an IBSian, happen to come across a shortcoming in the execution of this rule, the ‘Resolve’ platform may be utilized for getting grievances addressed without fear or risk of retribution. We follow a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment, with preventive/remedial actions strictly in alignment with the law, and often far more strict in execution! Every IBSian is encouraged to be a responsible whistle-blower and bring attention to any practice/event/incident, which may be detrimental to the company or its people, or in conflict with the laws of any territory, we operate in.

It is an undisputed fact at IBS that the ethics of the organization and well-being of our people take priority over any business related issue. We categorically refuse to be part of any transaction, which goes against the letter, or spirit of the prevailing laws in any country we operate in. No IBSian will be asked to put his/her integrity or personal safety at risk to fulfil a business obligation, nor to force a colleague/partner/associate to do so. Know more about IBS' Employee Ethics and Code of Conduct.


Employee Speak


Environment of Support

IBS Software, as an organization, along with the larger group of all IBSians around the world, has set an example by joining hands and extending selfless support (financial, social and otherwise) to those among us who fell into unfortunate circumstances.

Candle is a group of IBSians who work to channel the goodwill and kindness of fellow colleagues who wish to give a light of hope to the underprivileged ones in society. As part of this family, you will get opportunities to make meaningful contributions of your time and efforts, more importantly than money - strictly on a voluntary basis – towards humanitarian causes of various kinds. Together, we can make a bigger difference than one individual can.

Employee Speak